Maria Orosa Freedom Fighter: Scientist and Inventor from the Philippines

A picture book biography about Maria Orosa, a famous scientist and inventor from the Philippines.

Maria Orosa was born a scientist — curious about the world and always asking questions.  She moved to the US, earned two degrees in food science and pharmacy, and later a master’s degree in pharmacy.  She also studied canning and preserving food in the US, and later brought new life to mangos, pineapples and jackfruit in the Philippines, turning them into jams and jellies.  Maria found many new, innovative ways to use local food, and also invented the palayok and banana ketchup.  During the Japanese invasion, she was an undercover agent and snuck food hidden in hollow tubes of bamboo into camps to feed starving prisoners.  This new picture book biography tells Maria Orosa’s story about her endless kindness, generosity, ingenuity and her willingness to work hard to better other people’s lives.  Her vast and far-reaching legacy lives on today.

Maria Orosa Freedom Fighter: Scientist and Inventor from the Philippines | Written by Norma Olizon-Chikiamco | Illustrated by Mark Salvatus | Tuttle Publishing